The Benefits of Developing a New Hobby

Creative Display Ideas For Some Of Your Favorite Model Trains

by Lewis Rhodes

If you are an avid model train collector and would like to display a few of your favorite sets inside of your home, consider the following ideas to showcase each one. Not only will you be able to enjoy watching the trains as they move along the tracks that you have set up, you will also be able to show off your prized possessions when friends stop by to visit.

Centerpiece On A Large Table

Purchase a mat that is designed to be used with model trains and lay it in the center of a large table. If you do not own a large table, place two folding tables next to each other. Arrange the train tracks so that they are evenly distributed around the central portion of the display that you are creating. Set up some artificial trees, buildings, and people so that there are plenty of details to see from each angle of the table.

If you decide to hold a dinner party at your home, lay out place settings around the edge of the table so that each of your guests can enjoy watching the train move around the track. Provide some realistic railroad noises and visual aids by blowing a train whistle and wearing a conductor's uniform and hat if you want to catch your friends off guard during the gathering.

Lighted Exhibit On A Board

Purchase a piece of plywood that is large enough to hold one of your favorite trains and its tracks. Set the wood on top of a couple small tables that are pushed close to each other. Install LED lighting that is battery-operated and that contains a motion sensor on the board. Arrange the train tracks and leave plenty of space around them for decorations. Secure pieces of artificial turf to the board with a stapler.

Apply craft glue to the base of buildings, trees, people, and animals so that they all remain stable on the board if you ever decide to move it to another part of your home. After placing the model train on the tracks and turning the power to the set on, the lights will turn on as the train begins moving. This type of display can be enjoyed during the day or night. If it is sunny or well-lit inside of your home, simply turn off the LED lighting.

Display Case That Is Enclosed 

If you own a model train that is valuable and want to enjoy it without needing to worry about it becoming broken, purchase a display case that contains a glass exterior. Some display cases are built into pieces of furniture so that the finished decoration will match other decor in your home. Other types of display cases consist of a solid unit that contains a shelf.

After purchasing a case, carefully set up the tracks, train, and decorative features inside of it. Think how you would like the finished display to appear so that you won't have to open the case in order to make changes once the train is set up. If possible, purchase a remote control to operate the train, to further protect the model from being at risk of becoming damaged.

Contact companies like Ann's Hobby Center for more information.
